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More Fun with Kubeadm & Fedora


I recently wrote about getting up and running with kubeadm and Fedora CoreOS, which I got working, but which sent me into a miniature funk of uncertainly over various little integration issues.

First, I was getting around the lack of support in rpm-ostree for rpms that place stuff in /opt, which isn’t a traditional place for package managers to put stuff, but which is where kubeadm puts its cni binaries, for historical reasons. I got the Fedora package that provides the cni binaries, containernetworking-plugins, and that doesn’t stick things into /opt, modified to say it provides kubernetes-cni, which is what the upstream kubernetes rpm maintainers call it, but I had to transgress against rpmlint by leaving out the version number. The upstream packagers call explicitly for cni version 0.6.0, while Fedora is shipping version 0.7.4.

As far as I could tell, the later version worked just fine, but I wasn’t sure I’d get my package change merged while telling that lie of omission. That led me to wonder about whether I should try to convince the upstream packagers to move the cni binaries — kubernetes is hard coded to look for them in opt, but you can specify a different location when you’re setting things up, so getting the binaries moved to /usr/libexec/cni, where Fedora keeps them, could be an option. Or, I’ve played with some symlink-type trickery in the past to make cni binaries appear under /opt while actually installed elsewhere, so maybe I could convince the project to accept something like that.

However, Fedora’s cri-o package depends on at least cni 0.7.x, so achieving nicer (or, failing that, trickier) kubernetes-cni packaging to allow for installation on rpm-ostree hosts would mean incompatibility with the runtime I was interested in using, so what’s the point of anything, anyway, even?

Well, my change did get merged to the Fedora package (you can test the package and give it karma) and those newer cni binaries do appear to work just fine with the upstream kubelet, so I’m feeling somewhat better about that part. Also, I think I agreed to co-maintain the containernetworking-plugins package moving forward, so that’s fun.

Elsewhere on the problematic networking front, I had to insert this puzzled passage into my last post:

…I found during my tests that my Fedora CoreOS host was configuring a address on the cni0 interface, which was conflicting with my flannel networking. I found that if I deleted that address from the device, the cni0 interface would get a new, address that worked for my cluster:

sudo ip addr del dev cni0

I wasn’t sure where that was coming from, though I had some vague sense that I once knew the answer. I relearned / remembered that this is part of the config for cri-o, and lives in the file /etc/cni/net.d/100-crio-bridge.conf, but then disappears, seemingly following the next reboot after I’ve configured a cluster. I thought that perhaps I should be passing as the cidr argument when running kubeadm init, instead of the conventional, but maybe not. I need to do more poking here.

Speaking of reboots, I ran into a problem in which cri-o wasn’t dealing very well with reboots — as expected, all the containers running under cri-o were going away during a reboot, but this should be no big deal, because kubernetes can restart its control plane containers from kubelet manifest files, and start up anything else from its records in etcd. I found, though, that following a reboot, the kubelet was complaining about how a sandbox for the pod it was trying to run already existed, even though cri-o wasn’t running any pods. I found a reported issue that looked similar and contained a workaround, but ended up solving the issue by figuring out how to update cri-o to a later version…

One of qualities that sets cri-o apart from other kubernetes container runtime options is that each cri-o version is pegged to a particular kubernetes version — there’s a cri-o 1.12 for kubernetes 1.12, a 1.13 for 1.13, and so on. As I write this, the latest upstream version of kubernetes is 1.13.4, and that’s the version of the kubelet, kubectl and kubeadm I’ve been running on my Fedora test VMs. However, the current version of cri-o shipping with Fedora is 1.12.0. It seemed to be working (that reboot issue notwithstanding), but I wanted to be running 1.13.

Poking around in Fedora’s updates system, I found that cri-o 1.13 was available as a test package, but was now being packaged as a Fedora module. Fedora Modularity is a big topic, but the bottom line is that it allows for more flexibility in packaging and maintaining software in the Fedora family. In this case, it offers a way out of the one stable version per Fedora release that doesn’t fit well with packages like cri-o, which will have multiple stable versions out in the world at once. The trouble, potentially, was that I wasn’t sure whether module-based rpms would play nicely with rpm-ostree and package layering.

As it turned out, I simply had to enable the repo by changing enabled=0 to enabled=1 in /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates-testing-modular.repo (moving forward, I’d like to see rpm-ostree grow support for enabling repos per-operation, a la yum and dnf), and then install the package using rpm-ostree install cri-o. On the test host I was already using, where I’d already installed cri-o, I had to take another step — I should have been able to run rpm-ostree upgrade -r to fetch any available image updates alongside any updates to my layered packages, but since Fedora CoreOS is still in experimental preview mode, its configured ostree remote doesn’t point anywhere, which leads rpm-ostree upgrade to error out before grabbing any layered package upgrades. Instead, I had to run rpm-ostree uninstall cri-o && rpm-ostree install cri-o to uninstall and then reinstall the newer version.

I tested out a kubeadm cluster with the updated cri-o, and it worked, so I left some karma for the package. When I started typing up my notes about the reboot issue, I figured I’d reboot again to see if the new version was behaving the same way, and the problem disappeared. I don’t know if something about the mismatch between kube 1.13 and cri-o 1.12 was to blame, but I was happy not to see the issue any more.

Next up, I want to play with the HA kubeam docs — I’m thinking I’ll set up a three master/etcd node, three worker node cluster on one of my oVirt clusters, team it up with the oVirt volume provisioner and flexvolume driver for persistent volume support, and then install KubeVirt with nested kvm for some tests of that. I’m interested to see how this Fedora CoreOS / kubeadm cluster fares over time through some package and image upgrades while running some longish-lived workloads. Since the ostree repo isn’t up yet during the experimental preview, I suppose I’ll be sprucing up these BYOAtomic docs to compose and host my own repo.

Stay tuned.




One response to “More Fun with Kubeadm & Fedora”

  1. I am looking for offline installation (Without local WebServer also) of Fedora CoreOS with Kubernetes. Have you tried this?


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